From the Collection to the Classroom, a virtual experience created initially to accompany the first printed curriculum kit, while furthering the educational mission of The National WWII Museum, bringing the curriculum to teachers across the country.


Each curriculum kit is comprised of a custom-designed box that holds the 60-page curriculum and supplemental components, posters, flashcards, and interactive classroom tools. At no cost to teachers, we printed a fixed amount of each edition to be mailed to teachers across the United States. In total, we have created four curriculums to teach the complete story of WWII.

The National WWII Museum created a new immersive workshop for teachers that teaches World War II from each theater of war over four distinct curricula. At the time that this website was created, one curriculum had been completed but we knew we needed to plan for future curriculum to be added to this website.



We needed to concept, visualize, and build a system that would simplify how users would interact with this product and subsequent editions. It was of utmost importance, due to the limited quantity of printed editions that the entirety of each kit is easily accessed online.



Beginning with the user and the most intense pages, the developer and I started thinking through patterns or ways of displaying this information that would make sense on the front end and confirm that these ideas were ones that we could actually build in-house.

Crafting a modular system that allowed us to easily add on to the website as more information became available. Our primary goals were to make the website easy to understand and navigate while also creating an easy way to find the various assets of each and every curriculum for educators.

Interested in seeing the live experience?


Web Developer Allen Fayland
UX/Visual Design Reba Joy


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